Notes About Submitting
Yes! You want to submit a review, article, paper or video to Crash/Cut!
That's Awesome!
BUT we do have a few rules.
Please read them to ensure you get published.
That's Awesome!
BUT we do have a few rules.
Please read them to ensure you get published.
Please check over the following before you submit your work!
- For ALL written submissions:
- No writing or video with hateful or derogatory language will be accepted
- No plagiarism
- No slander or false information. You are responsible for checking the validity of your information.
- Outside sources must be made mention of in a reference list
- Please proof read, we understand the occasional error will occur, but it will ultimately save us all time if you check over your submission to correct your grammar and punctuation before you submit!
- Opinion articles are accepted, but please base in fact, and remain respectful.
- No word documents, we will not accept this format
- No spoilers! Readers aren’t here to learn about the latest M. Night Shyamalan twist– tell us why you are passionate about the film, and try and persuade readers to check it out if they haven’t already. (excepting scholarly articles!)
- If you are writing about an advanced screening, please submit before the film's wide release and include the film's embargo date (when reviews are allowed to go public).
- There is no word limit to articles, but see what we have up on our site already for a ballpark.
We have the right to turn down any article if they break any of the rules mentioned above. Additionally, if the writing quality isn't legible or poor, we have the right to refuse that submission as well. A good rule of thumb is that if it appears to be a first draft, it will likely be sent back. Unlike the scholar section of Crash/Cut, the articles, reviews, and videos aren't held to academic standards, yet that doesn't allow for sloppy writing. Of course, we also encourage you to have fun with this content, so don't feel bound to extreme formality either.
We have the right to turn down any article if they break any of the rules mentioned above. Additionally, if the writing quality isn't legible or poor, we have the right to refuse that submission as well. A good rule of thumb is that if it appears to be a first draft, it will likely be sent back. Unlike the scholar section of Crash/Cut, the articles, reviews, and videos aren't held to academic standards, yet that doesn't allow for sloppy writing. Of course, we also encourage you to have fun with this content, so don't feel bound to extreme formality either.
Style Guide
- Titles of films should be in italics. Example: Shawshank Redemption
- Actors names should be mentioned in brackets after first mention of their character.
- Keep swearing to a minimum.
- Keep reviews around 500-800 words.
- Reviews should include a list of the film, director, rating, genre and run-time above the article.
- If you have specific photos in mind for an article, please attach them in your document or email.
- Additionally, please ensure that the photos used are stills from the movie with the actor labeled with the film title. Please include the rights owner to the film as well. Example. Actors Name in "Movie Title" | Studio name.
- Articles have no word limit.
- Must be titled.
- Follow the basic laws of Grammar and writing etiquette and spelling.
- Avoid spoilers.
Crash/Cut Reviews
- Title of film
- Release year of film
- Director
- Author name (will be published)
- A photo of a poster of the film (people will click on this to see the review)
- At least one, and no more than three photos from the film (these will be at the top of the article)
- Reference list (if applicable) (any style is fine, but APA is preferred)
Crash/Cut Articles
- Title, year, and director of any film you are discussing in the article
- Author name (will be published)
- At least one photo which will be visible in the list of articles (square), and optionally 1-3 photos to be included inside the article.
- Reference list (if applicable) (any style is fine, but APA is preferred)
Crash/Cut Scholar
- Help us make formatting easier and faster: If the paper was written in a google doc, please share the link with us and provide access before sending it. Otherwise, a PDF file is acceptable. Please also remove page numbers, headers on any pages other than the first, and footers (you can move any notes to after the article/before the bibliography).
- Author name (will be published)
- Must be from a class you have successfully completed in a previous semester. Classes you are currently enrolled for will not be accepted.
- Course name and number for which the paper was submitted
- Professor’s name to whom the paper was submitted
- Reference list (ensure it follows an academic format, such as : MLA, APA Chicago, etc.)
- At least one photo which we'll make a poster with (see examples here), unless you want to make your own, but please follow the standard size and include the text "crash/cut scholar". Optionally, send us a second photo to be included inside the article.
**PLEASE NOTE** For scholarly articles:
We hold the right to turn down any submissions if they do not meet our standards. Reasons for not publishing may be due to illegible grammar, lack of citations, inconsistent thesis, unprovable concepts, inappropriate content (only if it's deemed unnecessary to your argument) and lack of formal analysis. We of course will try to get back to you and provide suggestions if your paper is turned away and seeing how this is a primarily undergraduate level publication, we take common mistakes into account. We are primarily searching for papers that have received an A level range from a U of C professor.
Other Submissions:
If you have an idea that falls outside of our review, article, or scholar templates (ie, a video essay, podcast episode, etc.), we'd love to hear about it and featuring it on Crash/Cut! We just need a couple things from you first...
- Title of featured film
- Release date of film
- Director
- Names of those involved
- Reference list (if applicable) (any style is fine, but APA is preferred)
- Reach out to an editor, for formatting
Submission Area
Please attach your work to an email with your name, and a brief explanation of your work. Expect your work to be published on the site within 1-2 weeks.